What's a Chakra ?


Chakras are the seven energetic centers that energy moves through in the body. They’re each connected with different organs and functions in our mind, body, and spirit. If you start at the bottom which is the root chakra, you have the lowest vibrational frequency and its qualities mirror this. It’s concerned with the very basic elements of existence primarily with your safety and physical survival. 

As you move up the chakra system, you go from the more fundamental emotions to the deeper feelings of joy, love, and creativity.

Root Chakra (red) – connection with the earth, your physical survival, and safety.

Sacral Chakra (orange) – the creative life force energy that makes you human.

Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow) – the seat of your personal power – the internal wisdom and confidence within you.

Heart Chakra (green) – love and compassion for yourself and others.

Throat Chakra (blue) – this chakra allows us to speak our truth with clarity, love, and kindness.

Third Eye Chakra (indigo) – your connection to your intuition and information beyond the material world.

Crown Chakra (violet) – connection to consciousness.

Your chakras can become imbalanced based on influences/experiences in your lives. When this happens, we can get out of alignment. Whether this misalignment shows up as a physical symptom, emotional disruption, or mental ailment, there’ll be signs that your energy is out of balance.

This is where crystals come in they can help rebalance any misalignment returning the energy centers to the frequencies they are meant to vibrate at.

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