Every patient experience has to be uniquely designed and catered to bring about the right balance and the personal touch they deserve in setting a good pace route to healing better. Here at Chadasha Lifecare BRT center provides a personal touch- patient care experience using infrared, PEMFT, and BRT technologies. The energetic body scan determines the root cause of the physical problems as an immediate course of action through an impedance computerized AI database. This combined with the expertise of each staff in their own field of Holistic discipline provides personal care through physical therapy coaching and dietary coaching exercises based on findings from the same SENSITIVE AUDIT device under the supervision of our globally recognized Bioresonance physicians. With each session, a 4 part Bioresonance protocol is practiced. A systemized therapy protocol of bio-wave sequences is selected under the careful supervision of a BRT Physiology doctor.  


 In this Video Deanna, our physiotherapist demonstrates her first video of simple stretching maneuvers to assist patients to ambulate their arms and shoulders with ease after a long day of work. This is just one part of the coaching exercise that includes practical participation of the patient in dietary plan exercise and physiotherapy here at Chadasha Lifecare. - Dr.Benjamin Patrick(Bio. Hom).

Hi everyone my name is Deanna and welcome to the 'Chadasha Bioresonance Experience'. I hope to make your visit here at Chadasha Bioresonance a pleasant experience that is both informative and well-deserved. Using the best and latest technologies brought to us from around the world combined with the discipline of Physiotherapy and practical exercise to help place you back on a road to recovery. -Deanna (Dip. Phys)

How is BRT different from Traditional PEMF Therapy?

What is Advanced Bioregulation Therapy (BRT)?

Bioregulation Therapy (BRT) is a unique approach to health and wellness that uses Biofeedback and PEMF-based Electromagnetic Technology to help the body better self-regulate, adapt, and heal naturally. It helps to align to body so the brain can work better. It is used to support a variety of physical and mental health needs.

Through unique customized program, BRT combines frequency, intensity and signal modulation to stimulate the specific channels need to best support the natural electromagnetic activities of the body. BRT uses advanced signaling technology that enables precision when targeting biological communication channels, as well as low intensity signals that are safe and well-tolerated by the body.

BRT is a unique form of biofeedback, a body balancing method whereby a computer reads the electrical impulses (frequencies) being emitted by your body. BRT signals target very specific communication channels in order to clear blockages and restore communication pathways.
Once the cells are working more optimally, the nervous system calms down diminishing the disruptive signals, such as pain, which have become magnified over time. 

BRT provides feedback to the body about those bioelectrical signals. The body’s nervous system then uses that feedback to reorganize itself and improve its own intercellular communication. With the feedback, the cells better align themselves within the organ system and entire body. The individuals experience feelings of wellness.

BRT works synergistically with a variety of traditional and holistic therapies, including, nutrition therapy, homeopathy, neurofeedback, biofeedback, psychotherapy, OT, PT, and etc. For example, it is very common for a patient dealing with addiction to use BRT with Neurofeedback, naturopathic care and psychotherapy.

How is BRT different from Traditional PEMF Therapy?

Bioregulation Therapy (BRT) devices employ PEMF signals and biofeedback uniquely designed to couple with the body’s own vibrations, thus providing therapeutic benefits through an enhancement of the body’s own natural healing abilities.
Unlike other devices, BRT uses biofeedback and PEMF devices to send signals to the cells. In addition, the BRT device offers customizable programs to meet the unique needs of each patient. For example, if someone who has anxiety is receiving BRT therapy but also has headaches and allergies, a customized protocol can be created to address all three issues.

What Conditions Does BRT Help?

Autoimmune illness and chronic disease states are on the rise. BRT is used to support a variety of conditions to aid the body in self-healing. At our office, we use BRT with individuals suffering from stand-alone issues like pain or depression, but also use it with patients who are experiencing multiple issues simultaneously. There are many benefits of PEMF in supporting mental health because PEMF calms the central nervous system and helps to move one from a stress-activated sympatric dominate state to a relaxed parasympathetic state.

  • Mental health conditions, such as Anxiety, OCD, Depression, Behavioral issues, &, etc.
  • Allergies & Sensitivities
  • Chronic Illness (Lyme, PANS/PANDAS, autoimmune conditions, &, etc). 
  • Medication Detoxification
  • Detoxification
  • Pain 
  • Sports Injury
  • Sleep

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🏋🏻🏃🧠Get your body and mind synchronised to the right symphony with us . 🧑🏻‍⚕️Chadasha Lifecare uses superior 💪💯biotechnology software from Russia 3Dimension detection to detect energetic imbalances and compensates the effected areas of your body to help it heal faster while improving your overall health and stamina. 🧬Find out more visit or call us at;

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Chadasha Lifecare - BRT & Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy


Helping your kids increase their learning potential through PEMF therapy here at Chadasha Lifecare in Petaling Jaya. 

PEMF seems to boost various cognitive parameters. Some families have reported remarkable gains in test scores after children have done homework while using PEMF. This may be due to two factors:

  • Energising brain and nerve cells, and boosting output of key neuro-transmitters, and 
  • Inducing the Alpha brain wave state that facilitates learning. 
Increasing numbers of children show hyperactivity, and have problems concentrating. This often leads to under-achievement, and problems with self control and social interaction. PEMF treatments have a calming effect on the nervous system.PEMF sessions also supply a structured schedule which can help the scattered consciousness of children with learning and behavioural difficulties.

Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy for Autism is research proven to improve several impairments resulting from the condition. PEMF is an important advancement in treating autism in children and should start being considered by practitioners, including pediatricians to help their patients with autism to improve outcomes and quality of life.

A central principle of PEMF therapy, which is different from EMF’s, is the enhancement of cell-cell communication. Intercellular communication is critical for multiple functions within the body. PEMF therapy is similar to charging a battery, PEMF stimulates cells, and generates very small microcurrents that tend to run along nerve pathways. This leads to an increase in intercellular communication, metabolic processes in part due to increased circulation, oxygenation, alkalization, ATP production (the form of energy used by cells to perform work such as running enzymes), and optimized cell membrane potential. As a result, cells regenerate, oxidative stress and inflammation is reduced, immune responses are more robust, the feel-good endorphins are boosted, depleted adrenal and other endocrine gland functions are restored.

How Does PEMF Therapy Work?

Every organ in the body produces it own signature bio-electromagnetic field. PEMF is a way to alter those energy fields to enhance cellular functioning. Controlled and pulsed electromagnetic frequencies (PEMF) can deliver health enhancing EMFs to the cells. Unfortunately, the environment, stressors, and toxins negatively impact people every day.

Low frequency PEMFs of even the weakest strengths pass right through the body, penetrating every cell, tissue, organ and even bone without being absorbed or altered. PEMF technology uses low frequency energy fields that are pulsed. As they pass through, they stimulate electrical and chemical processes in the tissues. 

PEMF therapy benefits cellular energy, resulting in better cellular health and function. With PEMF therapy, the body then can more efficiently process the electrical and chemical exchanges associated with those channels and address imbalances or dysfunctions in those areas – leading to improved adaptation and natural healing.

We want to improve intercellular communication because defects in cell-cell communication are associated with a wide variety of diseases, including, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, atherosclerosis, cancer, neuropathy, infertility, and other diseases (Trosko et al., 1998). The activation of intracellular signaling mechanisms has been shown to be a key mechanism underlying the therapeutic effects of PEMFs (Seegers, 2001).  

How is BRT different from Traditional PEMF Therapy?

Bioregulation Therapy (BRT) devices employ PEMF signals and biofeedback uniquely designed to couple with the body’s own vibrations, thus providing therapeutic benefits through an enhancement of the body’s own natural healing abilities. 

Unlike other devices, BRT uses biofeedback and PEMF devices to send signals to the cells. In addition, the BRT device offers customizable programs to meet the unique needs of each patient. For example, if someone who has anxiety is receiving BRT therapy but also has headaches and allergies, a customized protocol can be created to address all three issues.BRT works synergistically with a variety of traditional and holistic therapies, including, nutrition therapy, homeopathy, neurofeedback, biofeedback, psychotherapy, OT, PT, and etc. For example, it is very common for a patient dealing with addiction to use BRT with Neurofeedback, naturopathic care and psychotherapy.

Tuning your kids to the right frequencies 

Using the best technologies available here at Chadasha Lifecare aids their physical growth and unleashes their full potential to perform better.Children's bones, muscles, organs and other tissues grow unaided, but their bodies are even more vulnerable to the electrical field effects and environmental stresses that now affect all of us. PEMF will energise every cell in their bodies, and should optimise several aspects of their physical and mental development, especially when limiting factors are present.

Diagram describing the benefits of PEMF technologies 

The Chadasha Lifecare Experience 

Chadasha Lifecare uses a combination of BRT, PEMFT, and Infrared Technologies to provide a holistic workout for your body and mind tuning the right balance into effect. 

Research References
1.Lombard J. Autism: a mitochondrial disorder? Med Hypotheses. 1998;50(6):497-500. doi:10.1016/s0306-9877(98)90270-5
2.Chauhan A, Chauhan V. Oxidative stress in autism. Pathophysiology. 2006;13(3):171-181. doi:10.1016/j.pathophys.2006.05.007
3.Sherrard R, Morellini N, Jourdan N, et al. Low-intensity electromagnetic fields induce human cryptochrome to modulate intracellular reactive oxygen species. PLoS Biol. 2018;16(10):e2006229. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2006229
4.Ehnert S, Fentz A, Schreiner A, et al. Extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields cause antioxidative defense mechanisms in human osteoblasts via induction of •O2–and H2O2. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):14544. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14983-9
5.Hei W, Byun S, Kim J, et al. Effects of electromagnetic field (PEMF) exposure at different frequency and duration on the peripheral nerve regeneration: in vitro and in vivo study. Int J Neurosci. 2016;126(8):739-748. doi:10.3109/00207454.2015.1054032
6.Aragona S, Mereghetti G, Lotti J, Vosa A, Lotti T, Canavesi E. Electromagnetic field in control tissue regeneration, pelvic pain, neuro-inflammation and modulation of non-neuronal cells. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2017;31(2 Suppl. 2):219-225.
7.Baruth JM, Casanova MF, El-Baz A, et al. Low-Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Modulates Evoked-Gamma Frequency Oscillations in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Neurotherapy. August 2010:179-194. doi:10.1080/10874208.2010.501500
8.Croarkin P, Wall C, Lee J. Applications of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in child and adolescent psychiatry. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2011;23(5):445-453. doi:10.3109/09540261.2011.623688
9.Enticott P, Rinehart N, Tonge B, Bradshaw J, Fitzgerald P. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) improves movement-related cortical potentials in autism spectrum disorders. Brain Stimul. 2012;5(1):30-37. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2011.02.001
10.Sokhadze E, El-Baz A, Sears L, Opris I, Casanova M. rTMS neuromodulation improves electrocortical functional measures of information processing and behavioral responses in autism. Front Syst Neurosci. 2014;8:134. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2014.00134
11.Enticott P, Fitzgibbon B, Kennedy H, et al. A double-blind, randomized trial of deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for autism spectrum disorder. Brain Stimul. 2014;7(2):206-211. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2013.10.004

Talaan hidup baru bersimfoni

Segala-galanya dalam kehidupan perlu ditala untuk mengharmonikan menjadi simfoni indah yang bergema kehidupan, harapan, cinta dan kebahagiaan. Proses penalaan memerlukan kita kadang-kadang diregangkan ke potensi penuh kita untuk menghasilkan getaran yang betul seperti rentetan pada gitar. Mudah untuk kekal hadir dan tidak berubah atau membenarkan diri kita ditala dalam cabaran hidup untuk membawa potensi penuh kita.~ dr.benjaminpatrick.#chadashalifecare #sensitiveaudit #bioresonancetherapy #OneMinuteStory #wellnesschallenge #ResonanceRepatterning #resonanceimprinting #Holisticcoach ##resonansimprinting Sembuh bersama kami @chadashalifecare Pautan tapak web & lokasi ; Rujukan

Apakah Kelebihan Rawatan ini? 
Faedah terapi PEMF Apabila pesakit melawat Chadasha Lifecare, mereka sentiasa ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang faedah terapi PEMF. Beberapa faedah yang paling biasa dari terapi ini termasuk: 

  • Meningkatkan proses pemulihan semula jadi badan
  • Membetulkan disfungsi selular di seluruh badan 
  • Merangsang dan melatih sel untuk mengecas semula sel 
  • Memberi pesakit lebih tenaga secara semula jadi 
  • Meningkatkan prestasi sukan 
  • Mengurangkan keradangan dan kesakitan 
  • Membantu anda pulih daripada kecederaan dengan lebih cepat
Bagaimanakah terapi PEMF berfungsi? 

Terapi PEMF berdenyut menghantar tenaga magnet ke dalam badan. Gelombang tenaga ini berfungsi dengan medan magnet semula jadi badan anda untuk meningkatkan penyembuhan. Medan magnet membantu anda meningkatkan elektrolit dan ion. Ini secara semula jadi mempengaruhi perubahan elektrik pada tahap selular dan mempengaruhi metabolisme selular. Ia berfungsi dengan proses pemulihan badan anda sendiri untuk membantu melegakan kesakitan kronik. Paling penting, ia selamat sepenuhnya. Akhirnya, tubuh manusia memerlukan elektrik untuk menandatangani isyarat di seluruh badan dan ke otak anda. Terapi PEMF dengan berkesan boleh menjajarkan semula elektrik dalam sel anda. Apabila sel dirangsang, ia membenarkan cas positif memasuki sel dalam saluran ION terbuka. Bahagian dalam sel ini menjadi bercas positif, yang akan mencetuskan arus elektrik lain, bertukar menjadi denyutan. Ini boleh mempengaruhi pergerakan, penyembuhan dan penghantaran isyarat secara positif. Sebarang gangguan dalam arus elektrik boleh menyebabkan disfungsi atau penyakit. Terapi PEMF berdenyut membantu memulihkan gangguan arus elektrik ini kepada keadaan normal, yang menggalakkan kesejahteraan keseluruhan badan.

Kelebihan manfaat membuat rawatan di Chadasha Lifecare 
🧑🏻‍⚕️Kami di(Chadasha Lifecare Resonance) boleh menguji untuk menunjukkan kepada anda hasil bagaimana produk memberi kesan kepada persekitaran dan badan anda dengan bioteknologi Bioresonans.
Teknologi resonans berfungsi dalam menyediakan medan magnet perlindungan di sekeliling anda.
Penilaian selular bertenaga melalui imbasan Bioresonans boleh mengesan masalah kesihatan awal dan membetulkan masalah kesihatan selular.Ketahui perkara yang anda perlukan melalui pemeriksaan berkomputer bioimpedence.Chadasha Lifecare menggunakan perisian bioteknologi unggul 💪 💯 dari pengesanan 3Dimensi Russia untuk mengesan ketidakseimbangan bertenaga dan mengimbangi bahagian badan anda yang terjejas untuk membantunya sembuh dengan lebih cepat sambil meningkatkan kesihatan dan stamina anda secara keseluruhan. Ketahui lebih lanjut layari atau hubungi kami di;

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Selamat Kembali Ke Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance Tahun Baru Ini


Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance menggunakan teknologi bio resonans untuk membaca biomaklumat daripada sel dan kembali semula dengan teknologi gelombang pembetulan untuk menyelaraskan isyarat antara tisu dan organ.

Bagaimana BRT Membantu Badan dan Otak?

 BRT mempunyai banyak kelebihan terapeutik dan kebanyakan pesakit menyedari faedah segera apabila berasa relaks. Ia adalah alat yang kuat untuk menyokong detoksifikasi, yang penting untuk penyembuhan. Matlamat terapeutik BRT adalah untuk: mempercepatkan penyembuhan meningkatkan kelonggaran membantu mengimbangi tenaga mengurangkan tekanan dan ketegangan otot meningkatkan kualiti tidur membantu dalam peredaran dan tahap oksigen darah meningkatkan penghadaman dan pengambilan nutrien dari aliran darah ke sel merangsang sistem imun membantu untuk menghilangkan alahan dan hipersensitiviti menyokong detoksifikasi membantu masalah sakit otot dan sendi mengurangkan keradangan meningkatkan persediaan sukan, prestasi dan pemulihan menyokong fungsi sel yang cekap dan penjanaan semula mengurangkan kebimbangan dan menenangkan fikiran membantu mengurangkan rintangan terapi dan menembusi blok fizikal dan emosi mewujudkan sinergi dengan modaliti alopati dan integratif lain untuk meningkatkan hasil.

Bagaimanakah BRT berbeza daripada Terapi PEMF Tradisional?

 Peranti Bioregulation Therapy (BRT) menggunakan isyarat PEMF dan biomaklum balas yang direka secara unik untuk digabungkan dengan getaran badan sendiri, sekali gus memberikan faedah terapeutik melalui peningkatan kebolehan penyembuhan semula jadi badan itu sendiri. Tidak seperti peranti lain, BRT menggunakan biofeedback dan peranti PEMF untuk menghantar isyarat kepada sel. Selain itu, peranti BRT menawarkan program yang boleh disesuaikan untuk memenuhi keperluan unik setiap pesakit. Contohnya, jika seseorang yang mengalami kebimbangan sedang menerima terapi BRT tetapi juga mengalami sakit kepala dan alahan, protokol tersuai boleh dibuat untuk menangani ketiga-tiga isu tersebut.Dengan menggunakan bidang peramal perubatan energetika dan alat perubatan berkomputer yang diiktoraf antarabangsa kami di Chadasha Lifecare dapat memberikan sesi terapi  yang selesa dan effektif .

Dengan menggunakan systen antarabangsa SensitiveAudit, kami dapat mengkaji dan mengenalpasti  punca keabnormalan dalam otak dan badan sambil menggunakan pangkalan data yang komprehensif bagi pemadanan maklumat untuk menentukan punca masalah selular mengenal pasti aktiviti resonans daripada serangan mikrob dalam organ tertentu, pembentukan toksin khusus dan sumber toksin sebagai serta kerosakan tekanan sinaran.

Bioresonance teknology  dari Russia juga digunakan untuk menelitian Homeopathy secara digital tanpa kesan sampingan.Penelitian ini dapat menentukan frekuensi semula jadi yang sesuai untuk anda sebagai terapy khusus.

Apakah itu Terapi Bioregulasi Lanjutan (BRT)? 

Bioregulation Therapy (BRT) ialah pendekatan unik untuk kesihatan dan kesejahteraan yang menggunakan Biofeedback dan Teknologi Elektromagnet berasaskan PEMF untuk membantu badan mengawal kendiri, menyesuaikan diri dan sembuh secara semula jadi. Ia membantu menyelaraskan badan supaya otak boleh berfungsi dengan lebih baik. Ia digunakan untuk menyokong pelbagai keperluan kesihatan fizikal dan mental.


Dr.Benjamin Patrick (Ph.D. Bioresonans) adalah jurulatih holistik yang diiktiraf dan dicari dan kerja serta pengalamannya diketengahkan di India dan Amerika Syarikat.beliau telah dianugerahkan gelaran kehormat dan doktor falsafah dalam bidang perubatan bioenergetik dari WMU USA.


System Spa di Chadasha Lifecare yang menggunakan gabungan technologi Scalar dengan pancaran FIR ada pelbagai manfaat kepada tubuh badan kita.selepas sesi terapi bioresonans kami, kami mengesyorkan setiap pesakit kepada terapi tambahan jesis spa.Untuk menyatukan kesan terapi bioresonans kami menggabungkan penggunaan alat spa bioteknologi untuk membantu peredaran darah dan mineral pesakit melalui senaman sauna yang menggabungkan sinar matahari pagi inframerah jauh terbaik dengan gelombang skalar yang mengharmonikan badan

Gelombang skalar adalah dua daripada tiga jenis gelombang yang mungkin, gelombang elektromagnet, pada tahun 1888 ditemui oleh Heinrich Hertz, gelombang skalar elektrik, ditemui oleh Tesla sekitar tahun 1890, dan SW magnetik, yang memainkan peranan penting dalam biologi.

Sinar FIR ini diserap secara selektif oleh tisu. Pengeluaran dalaman tenaga inframerah yang biasanya berlaku dalam tisu kita dikaitkan dengan pelbagai tindak balas penyembuhan dan mungkin memerlukan rangsangan ke tahap maksimum untuk memastikan tindak balas penyembuhan sepenuhnya yang mungkin dalam tisu di bawah pembaikan. 

Selepas meningkatkan tahap tisu ke tahap maksimum, sinaran yang tinggal diteruskan tanpa bahaya. Fenomena ini dipanggil Penyerapan Resonan."Ini dapat memberi kesan yang bermanfaat kepada tubuh kita,terutamanya kepada mereka yang mempunyai masalah mobiliti atau kekurangan stamina atau daya penyedaran darah.

Dengan menggunakan gabungan bioteknology moden dari German dan Russia kami dapat memberikan setiap pesakit kami maklumat dan terapi terbaik yang ada di dunia holistic.

Chadasha Lifecare telah diberui 


Ahli fisioterapi kami mahir dalam bidang fisioterapi praktikal dan aplikasi bioresonans dapat menolong setiap membantu untuk menggerakkan anggota badan anggota yang terjejas akibat kecederaan atau kesakitan.

Chadasha menggunakan teknologi bio resonans untuk membaca biomaklumat daripada sel dan kembali dengan teknologi gelombang pembetulan untuk merawat alahan makanan dan mencipta pelan pemakanan terperibadi berkomputer.

Kami di Chadasha Lifecare hanya menggunakan system bertaraf antarabangsa dengan perisian berkomputer yang telah diberi anugerah antarabangsa kerana membawa hasil yang berkonsisten bertahun tahun.Kami juga telah diberi hak untuk mengajar and meneliti pelajaran dan latihan untuk siapa yang ingin belajari menggunakan system bioresonance dengan teliti daripada Wilmington MU USA.

Whatsapp 0102075978 to set an appointment 



YouTube: Chadasha LifeCare Asia TV Channel





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                                                    Deanna - Bioresonance & PEMF Physiotherapy 

Dr.Ben Patrick (PhD.Hom.Bio-resonance  WMU USA Satellite faculty Director of  Bioresonance  Research - Pakar Bioresonance & PEMF )