Every patient experience has to be uniquely designed and catered to bring about the right balance and the personal touch they deserve in setting a good pace route to healing better. Here at Chadasha Lifecare BRT center provides a personal touch- patient care experience using infrared, PEMFT, and BRT technologies. The energetic body scan determines the root cause of the physical problems as an immediate course of action through an impedance computerized AI database. This combined with the expertise of each staff in their own field of Holistic discipline provides personal care through physical therapy coaching and dietary coaching exercises based on findings from the same SENSITIVE AUDIT device under the supervision of our globally recognized Bioresonance physicians. With each session, a 4 part Bioresonance protocol is practiced. A systemized therapy protocol of bio-wave sequences is selected under the careful supervision of a BRT Physiology doctor.  


 In this Video Deanna, our physiotherapist demonstrates her first video of simple stretching maneuvers to assist patients to ambulate their arms and shoulders with ease after a long day of work. This is just one part of the coaching exercise that includes practical participation of the patient in dietary plan exercise and physiotherapy here at Chadasha Lifecare. - Dr.Benjamin Patrick(Bio. Hom).

Hi everyone my name is Deanna and welcome to the 'Chadasha Bioresonance Experience'. I hope to make your visit here at Chadasha Bioresonance a pleasant experience that is both informative and well-deserved. Using the best and latest technologies brought to us from around the world combined with the discipline of Physiotherapy and practical exercise to help place you back on a road to recovery. -Deanna (Dip. Phys)

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