Vibrational healing how does it impact us?

🤷🏻‍♀️When was the last time you listened to music, or a podcast, or white noise, or binaural beats,?or any other form of sounds?When was the last time you gave any thought whatsoever to the wavelength frequency of the sound being blasted into your ears? 🎧

💪At the gym,or on a romantic night in with the lights turned down and a delicious meal on the table, we have this strange habit of turning on certain sounds from various sources that vibrate the air around and randomly hit your eardrums which stimulates specific neural activity in such a way as to effect a change in mood, focus or emotion.🎧Music innervates daily life, and just as emotional health is critical to your humanity, music, sound, and vibration are tied up in your overall wellbeing. 

Nevertheless,sound doesn’t even need to be structured to elicit an emotional and physiological response. Think back to the last time you were sitting quietly minding your own business, focusing on some project, and out of nowhere the air is split by the sound of a glass or plate clattering on the ground. You snap to attention, briefly entering fight-or-flight fear mode.

The gut reaction to jump and become afraid at a loud noise is deeply woven into human genetics. Loud noises elicit a fear response, including increased blood pressure and pulse rate, in order to keep you alive. And that type of fight-or-flight, sympathetic nervous system reaction initiates the release of the chemical norepinephrine, which shuts down immune functions like viral defense and ramps up the production of specialized white blood cells called monocytes. These monocytes, while extremely effective in inhibiting infection, are by nature pro-inflammatory. 

So if you’re constantly exposed to loud noises or sounds that cause a similar reaction to a nonstick pan colliding with tile, or louder, you may be allowing minor inflammation, the bane of longevity and physical health, to rise and rule largely unchecked. However, if you expose yourself to sounds that are more wholesome, you can reduce the damaging effects of other sounds, and even heal yourself of a myriad of diseases and decrease the prevalence of harmful mental states and degenerative physiological conditions.

That’s the basis of sound healing. Sound healing is the practice of using audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissues and cells within the body. It works on the idea that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies, and sickness, disease, depression, and stress cause human beings to vibrate at a lower frequency. Playing tones that promote healing, happiness, and vitality will allow DNA strands to repair themselves.

Sound has been used as a healing tool for centuries and is still regularly utilized by many alternative health care centers and cultures with rich ancestral traditions. Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, drumming therapy, and even chanting are all used in sound therapy, and many participants experience strong emotions during therapy sessions. Advocates of sound healing claim that it has the power to heal mental illness, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and can even shrink cancerous tumors.

Sound healing is a form of energy medicine, which refers to two kinds of energy fields: veritable energy fields (measurable), and putative energy fields (can’t be measured with current technology). Veritable energy fields include things like vibrational energy from sound, and electromagnetic forces such as visible light, magnetism, and monochromatic radiation such as lasers.

There are well and established uses for measurable energy fields in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), laser eye correction surgery, cardiac pacemakers, radiation therapy and UV light therapy, just to name a few. There are even a few less well-known therapies based on veritable energy, such as magnetic therapy for pain relief, and, as you’re about to discover, sound energy/vibrational therapy.

🎧Sound Waves, Brainwaves, and Cellular Waves

There are three things you should familiarize yourself with: sound itself, and how it works, the electromagnetic rhythms of your brain, and the vibrational energy of your cells.

🎧Sound is vibration, or waves of air molecules oscillating as a result of the rapid, back-and-forth movement of an object. And if you'd like a crisp scientific definition:

🎧“Sound waves are produced by a vibrating body, be it an oboe reed, guitar string, loudspeaker cone or jet engine. The vibrating sound source causes a disturbance to the surrounding air molecules, causing them to bounce off each other with a force proportional to the disturbance. The energy of their interaction creates ripples of more dense (higher pressure) to less dense (lower pressure) air molecules, with pressures above and below the normal atmospheric pressure. When the molecules are pushed closer together it is called compression; when they have pulled apart, it is called rarefaction. The back and forth oscillation of pressure produces a sound wave.”

A vibrating object, whether a guitar string or your own vocal cord, causes the air surrounding it to also vibrate. These sound waves hit your eardrums, making them vibrate, and that in turn causes waves in the fluid of your inner ear. Those waves are detected by various auditory nerves that relay the information to your brain to let you hear. Hearing, the detection of sound, isn’t detached from the physical world – it’s a physical effect, resulting from a physical cause. So it shouldn’t seem all that weird that certain frequencies of vibrating air impact your physiology and mental state.  #drbenjaminpatrick #chadashalifecare #homeopathy #digitalimprinting #bioresonancetherapy #ultrasoundtech #sensitiveaudit #sensitiveauditcheckup.    

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