Where to apply essential oils ?

Applying Essential oils to dermal visceral zones need to be done with care and under the supervision of a properly trained Aromatherapist.Stay tuned every week as we learn from Dr Benjamin Patrick on the proper use of these oil for effective results.Stay present with your sponsors to take note of the time and date of the zoom meetings that would elaborate further of the essential blends that are suitable for you.Q & A time would benefit you the most as we learn together as a family .

The point name can be translated as 'Auditory Palace'
Deafness, tinnitus, purulent discharge from the ear, ear pain, mania, epilepsy, loss of voice, fullness of the Heart, mutism, tinnitus, otitis media and external, aural vertigo
The point name can be translated as 'Peaceful Sleep'.An Mian are traditional points for treating insomnia. Some practitioners also use these points to reduce anxiety, vertigo, and headaches. The An Mian points are on either side of the neck
Since He Gu point connects to our face, besides for pain relief, it is also a very good cosmetic and beauty point.This point is used for treating peripheral circulatory problems.

The traditional Chinese method of acupuncture or acupressure at the P6 (Nei Guan) point is an effective treatment for nausea and vomiting

San Yin Jiao are  most commonly used to treat insomnia.Tonifies the Spleen and Stomach, resolves dampness.Harmonizes the Liver and smoothes the flow of qi.Tonifies the Kidneys.Regulates blood.
Foong Loong - Transforms phlegm and dampness, stops cough and wheezing, calms the shen and clears phlegm from the Heart, activates the meridian and stops pain.
The point CV 4, named Guan Yuan or 'Gate of Origin,' is a very nourishing and strengthening points. Located on the conception vessel (CV) channel that runs up the center of the front of the body, this point is about a hand's width directly below the belly button
Treating overall circulation and balance, this point specifically benefits the head, brain, and the organs of the five senses (eyes, ears, tongues, skin, and nose) and also soothes the mind and the spirit.
Yin Tang Point that calms the Spirit, eases anxiety & worry, activates Intuition, & Brings Profound Presence.
Rub this point anytime you feel bloated or have stomach issues. It is also a great point to build energy and stamina.

Tian She Point help with gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, diarrhea, and dysentery. It can aid in weight loss by helping regulate the intestines.
Feng Chi point is recommended for headache, migraine, eye blurriness or fatigue, low energy, and cold/flu
Ting Gong Point calms the spirit - manic behavior, epilepsy, sensation of pressure below the heart.
This point lies in the groove between the knuckles of the little finger and ring finger. Acupressure practitioners claim that applying pressure to this point can help with headaches and upper body pain. If a person's nausea is due to headaches, manipulating this pressure point may help.

You can tune in to our zoom sessions every week to find out how to make the best of each of these points with the right essentials. Call 0102075978 to set up a zoom consultation.

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