Essential Oils carry a vibrational value that resonates positively with our body and mind - Find out more in this weeks segment on our blog

Natural Vibrations 
with E & F Essentials

A healthy human body is 62-70 MHz.Human cells can start to change (mutate) when their frequency drops below 62MHz.Our body consist of a beautiful colloidal ionic solution with a combination of complex chemistry combined with bio-physical vibrational signalling orchestra that has to be kept in balance everyday.

Essential oils are complex aromatic substances derived from plants that are mainly composed of terpenes and other compounds.Being of natural origin make these a helpful remedy that can resonate well with our body. Essential oils vibrate at from at 52MHz and may go up to as high as 320 MHz .

Extracted essential oils possess scent-producing compounds including monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, phenols, oxides, esters, aldehydes, and ketones. Plants use these compounds for protection from various plant-feeding arthropods e.g., insects and mites.These natural phytochemical/phytonutrients are chemical compounds produced by plants, generally to help them resist fungi, bacteria and plant virus infections, and also consumption by insects and other animals.We can benefit largely from these oils as they have active ingredients in them that help our cells fight the same microbial enemies while helping harmonise our energetic wheels in our body by compensating vibrational frequencies that negate free radical activity and radiation stress.


E&F Basil (52 MHz)

Popularly known as the ‘Queen of herbs’ in Ayurveda,Basil or Tulsi plant as known in India is known to the world of medicine as a digestive tonic, respiratory aid, anti-depressant, pain reliever, skin care agent, immune stimulant and as a symbol of divinity.Stimulate, clarify. calm, fortify, energize, and uplift the mind .Repels insects,eliminate odor causing bacteria, headaches, relieves respiratory as well as digestive discomforts.The remedial values of Basil oil are cephalic, antifungal, diaphoretic, anti-asthmatic, emmenagogue, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-cancer, antidote, anti-oxidant, diuretic, anti-fertility, expectorant, anti-diabetic, anti-malarial, hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory.The primary chemical components of Basil oil are eugenol, ursolic acid, b-caryophyllene, linalool, oleanolic acid, carvacrol, germacrone D, b-elemene and linolenic acid. Vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium and magnesium are few among its nutritional constituents.Researchers have found its leaves contain several bioactive (medicinal) compounds, including:Eugenol (clove oil): May lower blood glucose levels, treat digestive and respiratory problems,Ursolic acid: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal properties,ß-caryophyllene: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic (painkiller), antipyretic,Linalool: Insecticide (kills insects),eucalyptol: Cough, allergies, and asthma relief, immune support, anti-inflammatory, anti-leukemia cells, and Cineole :Neurocognitive disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and depression.Because holy basil acts as an adaptogen, controlling the release of cortisol, it can ease the effects of stress and anxiety. place few drops to lower back and on solar plexus area (heart Chakra )

E &F Bergamot Essential Oils (105 MHz)

This citrus essential oil has a range of benefits for skin, body and general well being. It balances oily, acne-prone skin, minimises the look of scars and marks on the skin and tones the skin by stimulating the production of melanin. Not only does it do wonders for skin, it is also a wonderful relaxant that soothes nerves to help cure ailments associated with stress such as sleeplessness and depression. Its antimicrobial properties prevent the growth of germs that cause body odor.Bergamot is used for high levels of cholesterol or other fats in the blood. It is also used for anxiety, mental alertness, joint pain.

E&F Black Pepper Essential oil (50MHz)

Crowned as ‘the King of Spices’ and wholly packed with large amount of solar energy, Pepper is also called as Marich, which is the Sanskrit name for Sun. Ayurveda recommends Black pepper and its essential oil for treating asthma, sinus congestion, chronic indigestion, cold and other respiratory infections, obesity, improper metabolism, urinary problems, cholera, headache, intermittent fever, toxic remains in the system and for certain other health issues.The major chemical components of Black pepper oil are a-pinene, b-pinene, limonene, myrcene, sabinene, camphene, a-thujone, piperitone, caryophyllene, pinocarveol, p-cymene, b-bisabolene, a-phellandrene, b-farnesene, a-terpinene and linalool. Black pepper is also rich in minerals like iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, manganese and calcium along with antioxidant vitamins including Vitamin-C and A.

E&F Cedarwood Essential oil (98MHz)

Derived from the Sanskrit word, Devadaru meaning the woods of Gods, Cedarwood tree and its essential oil is a divine cure for numerous ailments like bronchitis, cough, cold, dandruff, insomnia, osteoarthritis and cancerous tumors. This miraculous tree and its therapeutic essential oil are also used to treat diarrhea, headache, fever, urinary infections, flatulence, hemorrhoids, arthritis, and congestion.

E&F Cinnamon Essential Oil (52MHz)

Cinnamomum zeylanicum is one of the oldest herbal medicine known, having been mentioned in Chinese texts since 4 000 years ago .Cinnamon oil is derived from the bark or leaves of several types of trees, including the Cinnamomum verum tree and the Cinnamomum cassia tree.A 2014 German study that appeared in the journal Drug Research found that cineole also controlled inflammation, making it an effective treatment for asthma. A 2009 study appearing in the journal Respiratory Research determined that the cineole in holy basil also eased the symptoms of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), suggesting that the terpene can open airways and improve breathing.Both types are comprised of compounds and phytochemicals, such as cinnamaldehyde and eugenol. It’s these elements that make cinnamon beneficial for health.Anecdotal reports and traditional practices indicate that a mask made of cinnamon, olive oil, and honey may be effective at promoting the growth and thickening of hair.Never rub or massage cinnamon oil directly on skin unless it’s diluted with a carrier oil. Cinnamon oil doesn’t mix with water. Don’t pour undiluted oil directly into bathwater, as it’ll bead and can burn or irritate skin.For best results place in a E & F Diffuser 2-4 drops .

E&F Clary Sage Essential Oil (52.8MHz)

Around 2 to 3 drops of clary sage oil can be mixed with water and other essential oils and diffused into the air via an essential oil diffuser. When vaporized, clary sage oil can help to fight bacteria and other germs in the air.A few essential oils are said to have phytoestrogenic properties, by which it’s meant that they elicit a response in the body similar to that caused by the hormone estrogen. The three essential oils in common use most often attributed with these effects are sweet fennel, sage, and clary sage.Stress reduction, antibacterial properties, natural antidepressant,alleviation of menopause symptoms, reducing menstrual cramps.Clary sage oil has also been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve anxiety.Contributes to eye health as well.Add 2-3 drops into diffuser .

E&F Clove Essential Oil(38MHz)

Clove is a vital part of the Ayurvedic rebellion for more than 3,000 years and is known in Sanskrit as Devapuspa, meaning ‘Heavenly flower’ and the name is attributed to its exotic aroma and its stupendous healing benefits. Reports of it being used for this purpose date back more than 300 years.Clove and its essential oil in used in many Ayurvedic treatments for dealing with digestive problems, oral infections, diabetes, hypersensitivity, osteoporosis, impotence, sinusitis, improper blood circulation, prostate problems, arthritis and few other respiratory infections.

E&F Frankinsense Essential Oil (147 MHz)

Frankincense is a hardened gum-like material (resin) that comes from the trunk of the Boswellia tree,This is found in Africa and the Middle East.Frankincense is known to support healthy cellular, immune, nervous, and digestive function.Used under the careful prescription of an aromatherapist you will benefit abundantly from using this oil that is known as the king of oils.Frankincense essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the dry resin. It has bitter, strong-smelling, antiseptic, expectorant, and decongestant properties. The chemical composition of frankincense includes acid resins, gum, 3-acetyl-beta-boswellic acid, alpha-boswellic acid, 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid, incensole acetate, terpines, α-pinene, phellandrene, and pentacyclic triterpenoids.Boswellic acid has been found to have anti-proliferative effects on various tumor cell lines, melanoma, glioblastomas, and liver cancer in vitro, based on apoptosis. Frankincense oil has been found to distinguish cancerous cells from normal bladder cells and suppress cancer cell viability. However, frankincense smoke produces a psychoactive substance, trahydrocannabinole, which helps to expand consciousness. It helps in clearing the lungs and other mucus-related problems, lightens heavy periods in females, and eases postnatal depressions. It helps in healing wounds, sores, ulcers, carbuncles, hemorrhoids, and inflammations. The essential oil of the frankincense possesses antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, sedative, uterine, and vulnerary therapeutic properties.

E&F Geranium Essential Oil

If you are using about a quarter size of E & F shampoo, you can add 1-2 drops of Geranium and proceed to wash it out of your hair.Geranium essential oil has a calming effect and the ability to reduce anxiety and stress. Hence, it is used in holistic treatments to improve the physical, mental and emotional health.Geranium essential oil is used in Ayurvedic healing for stimulating the lymphatic system, assisting in menopausal and menstrual problems, relieving stress and for treating skin problems.

E&F Jasmine Essential Oil

Jasmine essential oil is very good for treating and relaxing spasms. It provides quick relief from spasmodic coughs, cramps, congestion, asthma, breathlessness, and even spasmodic cholera. It also alleviates intestinal cramps and pains resulting from spasms in other parts of the body. these sedative and anti-inflammatory properties are also associated with pain and discomfort of arthritis and gout.The emmenagogic property in Jasmine oils is meant to give relief to those women who suffer from irregular, obstructed, or painful menses or untimely menopause.

E&F French Lavender

Distilled from the plant Lavandula angustifolia, the oil promotes relaxation and believed to treat anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps.

E&F Lemon Essential oils
Lemons and lemon oil are popular because of their refreshing scent and invigorating, purifying and cleaning properties.Lemon oil is an effective remedy for improving mental and physical health. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety and promote sleep due to its Vata balancing property. It also helps to reduce body pain as an aggravated Vata is responsible for pain in the body and Lemon oil has Vata balancing property.

E&F Lime
Due to its high Limonene content, it provides cleansing benefits for the skin and can be added to bathwater to purify and uplift. When diffused, it affects mood positively with its energizing and revitalizing scent. Particularly good for alleviating mental tension and lifting negative energy as well as fatigue.

E&F May Cheng

May Chang is one of the citrus essential oils .It is a natural mood lifter, anti anxiety, anti stress, anti depressant, and acts as a general tonic for the nervous system.It has wonderful euphoric properties and has been shown in trials to calm anxiety, treat acne and oily skin, help with perspiration and indigestion.Apply 3-4 drops into a diffuser , or apply 2 drops 2 finger spacing below navel for best results on indigestion.

E&F Peppermint (78MHz)

Known as Pudina in Sanskrit .Diffusing peppermint essential oil can help relieve symptoms of nausea, indigestion, and even Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).In Ayurveda, one of the most reliable and renowned ancient sciences states that the Peppermint essential oil calms all the three doshas. Peppermint can be added to your massage oil to help maintain the balance of the Ayurvedic doshas.The strong principles of Ayurveda establish that every individual is made up of three vital energy elements known as doshas (vata-air, pitta-fire and kapha-water), which determine the personality, character, behavior and health conditions of a person. A person is said to be healthy when there is perfect balance between all the three doshas and dosha imbalances cause illness. Peppermint and its essential oil in Ayurveda is said to calm all the three doshas.Which is the unique ability to facilitate the flow of energy from within. Peppermint oil constitutes of 10 major chemical components that contribute to its distinctive fragrance, remedial properties and quality, among which, menthol has an upper hand with about 38.6 percent.The therapeutic actions of Peppermint essential oil are carminative, decongestant, immune stimulant, anti-infectious, febrifuge, cardio tonic, nervine, hypertensive, antipruritic, antifungal, sedative, expectorant, antibacterial, mucolytic and anti-carcinogenic.

E&F Rosemary (62Mhz)

Rosemary Essential Oil helps reduce stress levels and nervous tension, boost mental activity, encourage clarity and insight, relieve fatigue, and support respiratory function. It is used to improve alertness, eliminate negative moods, and increase the retention of information by enhancing concentration.Mix 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil with 5 drops of rosemary oil to create an effective salve. Use it for headaches, sprains, muscle soreness or pain, rheumatism or arthritis.

E&F Sweet Basil

Basil Essential Oil emits a warm, sweet, freshly floral and crisply herbaceous scent that is further characterized as airy, vibrant, uplifting, and reminiscent of the scent of licorice.Sweet Basil Essential Oil is reputed to stimulate, clarify, calm, fortify, energize and uplift the mind. It is also said to repel insects, eliminate odor-causing bacteria, soothe headaches, and relieve respiratory as well as digestive discomforts.When used on the skin, Sweet Basil Essential Oil is reputed to nourish, repair, balance, calm, smoothe, exfoliate, and brighten the complexion.When used in hair, Sweet Basil Essential Oil cleanses, refreshes, hydrates, softens, and strengthens the strands.When used medicinally, Sweet Basil Essential Oil is reputed to ease minor skin irritations, cramps, joint pain, muscular aches, spasms, gout, flatulence, and exhaustion. It is also said to enhance immune function, protect against infection, reduce water retention, and stabilize irregular menstruation.Studies show holy basil has a wide range of health-promoting properties. It's an adaptogenic,anti-arthritic,anti-coagulant,anti-diabetic,anti-inflammatory,anti-pyretic (prevents fever),antidiarrheal,antimicrobial (including antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and more),antioxidant,antitussive (treats cough),and liver-, brain-. and heart-protectant.

E&F Sweet Orange

Orange essential oil is extracted using the old fashioned technique of cold pressing, from the juiciest Sweet Orange, Citrus Sinensis. Rich in citric acid with a refreshing and invigorating fragrances, Orange Essential oil is often used as a diffuser oil to scent and uplift the surroundings. Hence, it is also effective at reducing levels of stress and anxiety.It has anti-microbial and antioxidant properties to help soothe irritated skin, redness, breakouts, and heal wounds and bacterial infections as well. It also protects the skin from UV rays and strengthens the skin barriers against harmful impurities. Orange essential oil is astringent and antiseptic in nature; it acts as a natural cleanser to deeply purify and detoxify the skin. Hence, it is recommended for acne prone skin. Enriched with Vitamin C, it also helps to boost collagen in the skin. As it penetrates deep into the skin, it restores firmness, elasticity and radiance for naturally toned and brightened skin.

E&F Teatree Essential oil 

Although Melaleuca alternifolia is known as the tea tree, it should not be confused with the plant that produces leaves used to make black, green and oolong tea.Tea tree oil has been used as a traditional medicine by Aborigines for centuries. These native Australians crush tea tree leaves to extract the oil, which is then inhaled to treat coughs and colds or applied directly to the skin for healing.Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinen-4-ol, that have been shown to kill certain bacteria, viruses and fungi.Combine 20 drops of tea tree oil, 3/4 cup of water into a spray bottle to spray on surfaces to disinfect or simply diffuse in a wide open room area of 20 by 20 feet .

E&F Vanilla

Vanilla is a flavor derived from a Mexican species of orchid called flat-leaved vanilla. This plant favors the hot, sticky, and wet climates in Central America and Mexico. Vanilla was first cultivated by the Totonac Indians of eastern Mexico. The main component of vanilla is vanillin. There are other constituents present including sugars, resins, and oils. Vanilla also contains approximately 150 aromas, many of which are present in only trace amounts. Vanillyl ethyl ether, acetic acid, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, and caproic acid are among the chemicals present. Studies have demonstrated that vanillin, the primary compound in vanilla, has anti-carcinogenic properties.Vanilla extract neutralizes free radicals and oxidants and is also known as a stress reliever and calming agent in AyurvedaVanilla blends well with essential oils of Orange, Lemon, Neroli, Chamomile, Lavender and Sandalwood.Apply one of the blends on your pulse or add it to any treatment that calls for essential oil; like your balms, skin and haircare.Vanilla blends well with essential oils of Orange, Lemon, Chamomile, Lavender and Cedarwood.

E&F Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Also called the ‘The perfume tree’ or ‘The Macassar oil paint’ in colloquial terminology, the Ylang-ylang tree is native to Java, Sumatra, Philippines, Polynesia, Indonesia. Usually found in the tropical rainforests of this region, the scientific name of this tree is Cananga odorata. Ylang ylang has several benefits proven by scientific research, such as alleviating anxiety and lowering blood pressure.The major component present in this oil is stated to be linalool.Some other prominent components present in this oil are geranyl acetate, germacrene-D, Benzyl acetate, methyl benzoate, farnesene.The linalool present in the Ylang-ylang essential oil is known to have properties that reduce anxiety and promote a feeling of wellness and serenity. It even consists of antidepressant components and aids in reducing insomnia and tension among people who face apprehensions.The linalool, germacrene-D as well as geranyl acetate are known to have antifungal properties that work against any attack of fungal infection on the skin.Traditionally reported that the fresh and unprocessed paste of the flowers could treat asthma.The essence of this oil is well-known from traditional times to augment the libido and elevate the sensuality between couples and is known as the flower of love.

Phytonutrients(plant based nutrients)have evolved through a natural ecology that resonates with our body. These phytonutrients which are organic components found in plants, can help promote eye, bone, joint and heart health, as well as support immune and brain function.Plant size nutrients are rich source
E & F Patchouli Essential Oils 


Patchouli, aromatic flowering plant of the mint family (Lamiaceae), primarily cultivated for use as a fragrance in perfumes, cosmetics, and incense.Patchouli has a very distinctive musky, earthy, warm, sweet penetrating fragrance which adds an exotic base note to blends. The oil has a superb soothing effect when used for skin care, especially on itchy, dry skin, and is also good on mature skin.It is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It has a grounding, restorative, and sensual effect on the psyche. Patchouli relieves stress, slows the breath, removes inhibitions, and clarifies the mind. It is a good meditation oil.
Patchouli essential oil uses:
  • treating skin conditions such as dermatitis, acne, or dry, cracked skin.
  • easing symptoms of conditions like colds, headaches, and stomach upset.
  • relieving depression.
  • providing feelings of relaxation and helping to ease stress or anxiety.
  • helping with oily hair or dandruff.
  • controlling appetite.


Keeping our organs tuned to the right frequencies would allow for them to function correctly and applying the right frequency creates a resonance field that cancels interferences from bacterias and viruses and gold fungus, heavy metals surrounding cells that may have been contaminated.This alerts our immune system to highlight effected areas of concern and target those areas.Bio-field technology Sensitiveaudit has multiple benefits to the human body when done correctly.Here at Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance we follow a Holistic protocol from Russia and Germany that ensures a four step process check and balance to keep each patient comfortable through the process of healing.

71-90 MHz | Brain
62-68 MHz | Thyroid and Parathyroid
65-68 MHz | Thymus Gland
67-70 MHz | Heart
58-65 MHz | Lungs
55-60 MHz | Liver
58-65 MHz | Stomach
60-80 MHz | Pancreas
50-63 MHz | Colon

Applying aromatherapy at the aroma accupoints are very effective to bring about relief to many conditions that we will share on our next article.

Aromatherapy is the proper inhalation and topical application of essential oils

'Notes' is a term used in perfumery to describe the category a scent falls into, based on its scent and staying power.Essential oil was perfume for centuries before the invention of artificial fragranceso they are assigned notes that describe where they fall on the perfumer's scale.Base note is the slowest to evaporate and sometimes isn’t even discernable for the first few hours as the top and middle notes take center stage. Usually intense and heady aromas, base notes have a relaxing characteristic that is common of “heavier” essential oils.Some examples of top notes include:
•Sweet Orange
•Pink Grapefruit
•Basil Linalool

Essential oils enter the body primarily in three ways applied to the skin, inhaled, or ingested. Within each of these, there are many different kinds of application methods. For example, you can apply essential oils topically using compresses, sprays, baths, or massaging them into the skin.

3 main application for aroma accupoints  that you can't go wrong with 

1. The Lower Abdomen and Lower Back

2. On The head, neck and shoulders

3. Bottom of The Feet


How does Aroma Acupoint Therapy work? 

The basic premise is that essential oils, being energetically just as active as acupuncture points, have the ability to stimulate the points in a similar way as needles. However, the difference between them lies in the fact that unlike acupuncture needles, essential oils are also able to provide a content of information to the point that will suggest a particular type of therapeutic action.So Geranium oil Pelargonim asperum, for instance, is a female hormonal regulator in women with reproductive weakness that is a perfect match for points such as SP-6.

Energetic balance of  the  5 elements

According to Ayurveda we are made up of the five elements and individual consciousness (jivatman). These five elements (maha bhutas) are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space and the combination of these elements give rise to three doshas. The doshas are the psychological and physiological tendencies found in all of us.We can use fragrances to Complement Doshas.Each dosha corresponds to a certain type of scent. Here’s how to choose the right fragrance for each part of the day.

For the Kapha Time Frame

Choose fragrances that are warm, slightly spicy, and stimulating such as rosemary, basil, eucalyptus, peppermint, cedar, sage, anise, and ginger. These will also energize you on cold days.

For the Pitta Time Frame

Use sweet aromas like jasmine, gardenia, rose, mint and chamomile. These essential oils will also soothe you during the extreme summer heat.

For the Vata Time Frame

Warm, citrusy oils like sandalwood, sweet orange, rose, lemon, jasmine vanilla, lavender, lemongrass, lemon, ginger, and ylang-ylang will work well here. They’re pleasant and grounding to the senses.

Simple blends that you can use for your home 

Try using this essential oil in your workspace. An energy booster, the scent of peppermint invigorates the mind, helps concentration, and stimulates clear thinking.

Lavender has a sweet, floral scent with a herbal undertone. It relieves anxiety and stress by calming the limbic system. Use it in your bedroom for a restful night’s sleep.

This is a good essential oil to use in your living room, where you spend most of your time. The citrus scent helps relieve tension and improve your mood.

Lemongrass also has a lemony aroma, though more subtle than citronella, which makes it refreshing and uplifting. It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties and is also a natural insect repellent. Use this fragrance in the bathroom.

E & F Essentials founders are passionate about the use of Essential blends to compliment the Body , Spirit and Soul bringing about the perfect Trip-part wellness .Stay tuned each week as we explore the use of different Essential blends that could help support you and your loved ones in bringing that harmony to your world.

By Benjamin Patrick (Bio.Hom)
E & F Essentials product website : 
Clinic website: 
No.6A,Jalan SS 3/35 Taman University,47300 Petaling Jaya,Selangor,Malaysia.
Contact :+60102075978 helpline for Bioresonance Biofeedback check .

Our Digital Holistic Centre Biofeedback test  and application can do the following:
  1. Identify hidden allergens and food intolerances 
  2. Check all body systems (16 parameters of organ and tissues)
  3. Specify any organs with malignant process
  4. Give recommendation on recovery sequences to prioritised areas or organs using appropriate programs in database.
  5. Conduct a comparative analysis after a recovery course of treatment
  6. Identify pathogenic microbial, fungal and heavy metals in presence in each organ.
  7. Analyse the state of the energetic field of the body 
  8. Provide a rapid assessment of the state of health (basic, cardio,respiratory,digestive,neuro,endocrine,sensory,immune system, urogenital,chromosome,muscular skeletal, fertility,environmental factors)
  9. Choose the most suitable remedies from a comprehensive library of naturopathies,homeopathy,herbs,essential oils, supplements etc.  
  10. Create spectronosodes(solution base remedies) of customised therapies for each individual from more than 17000 standards.
  11. Psyco-emotional and physiological state assessment of energetic blocks and malfunctions of energetic centres then corrects the energy informational field of the person.
  12. Vegeto testing of supplements and herbs intake to ensure your body is tolerant to them as well as recommend best suitable intake timing.

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