Fertility Therapy ~ a digital perspective of application of Holistic care here at Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance.

Fertility is defined as the natural capacity to conceive a child. However, fertility does not come easily to everyone. According to statistics found by LPPKN family repository,The infertility rate in Malaysia is estimated around 10 to 15%. World Health Organization has classified infertility as a disease that needs attention as early as possible.There is a rising statistic of couples who have the the inability to conceive naturally after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. 

These solutions come with a hefty cost . Bioresonance method may be another alternative that is more cost effective and non invasive using the best of biomagnetic wave technology and a combination of devices that is  EU , FDA certified and ISO certified ,being operated by clinicians that are experienced and trained internationally.

Fertility is not only a female health issue. Both men and women can experience infertility, and both men and women can take steps to improve their fertility. 
BioResonance Therapy uses concepts of energy medicine and quantum physics to help the body’s self regulatory system. It describes the interaction between the bio-field of a living organism and frequency patterns that interact with specific parts of it. It assists the body by boosting the healing signals that pass between the immune system and all cells in the body, while suppressing the signals given off by allergens and other stressors. 

All matter emits vibrational frequencies that are unique including microorganisms like bacterias and viruses , fungi and heavy metals .By accessing these frequencies through a biofeedback reading device we are able to invert certain frequencies that are harmful,  while  stimulating your own body to adapt or improve its resistance toward intolerances and immunodeficiencies .This method was discovered long ago by the likes of renown scientist like Nikola Tesla.Technological advancements over the years has helped us better understand these theories and develop biofeedback systems to collect information from etalon centres of the human body and mind.Digital libraries were develop to pattern each findings for research and to improve the application of remedies through a matching appropriate frequency patterns to cells.This is now called digital frequency imprinting technology. 

Here at Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance we combine the best of Bioresonance techniques and Far infrared thermal & light therapy as well as and sound spectrum therapy with the help of a highly sophisticated computerised biofeedback system called the sensitive audit that provides digital application of imprinting correctional frequencies from collective information received from your own body.A detailed report of the findings are then discussed and explained to you by a qualified Bioresonance trained personnel that is experienced for more that 14 years .The process takes anything between 30-45 minutes a session in a comfortable homely setting. 

Customised dietary solutions are created from a database of matched foodstuff and deficiencies detected through the same biofeedback computerised system.anything from food intolerances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, foods to include in your diet and temporary foods to avoid can be determined through the biofeedback check that takes minutes to find our what your body needs presently .Allowing the clinician to create a report that you can take back to use to carefully improve your dietary lifestyle choices. 

Targeted areas or spectrograms of effected organs, tissues are highlighted to enable application of BRT therapy is prioritised .The mode of transfer of this therapy is through dermal visceral zones on your skin or acupressure points without the use of any needles or massage.These ultra-frequencies are played through. headphone and a handheld biosensor that sends those signals through your skin gentle and calmly while you are rested on a comfortable couch.The process of therapy can be viewed through computer screen or tv in the same room showing you a comparison of before and after results from therapies conducted weekly.

Another feature of the bio systems that we have is to recommend certain natural remedies that may proove helpful to your wellbeing based  on their resonance frequency values best suited to your body.Througha digital library of essential oils and ,Bach flower essences to shuffler salts ,the device helps to match the appropriate remedies while creating a remedy plan through a vegeto testing application feature. 

For those of you who favour essential oils , we can help you to select the recommended oils based on a matching frequency spectroreader on the device.Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.This is another application that can help improve the fertility process as it assist the limbic system of the body to access memories that vibrate positively with you and your partner while creating an energetic environment in your home or bedroom that alleviates your mood and arouses your senses.

We also have a physiotherapist on board our team to advice you the appropriate manoeuvres or exercises that you can do daily to assist in better circulation, restful cycles and relief.Reflexology is an alternative medicine technique based on the belief that pressing on specific areas on the hands, feet or ears can have therapeutic effects on other parts of the body.There are several nerve endings called reflexes running throughout your feet, hands and ears that correspond to different systems and organs within your body.

 We have also prepared special scalar wave and far infrared longe rooms to help you finish your therapy with a weight management and skin detox while infusing scalar waves to help the mind and body adapt to the new changes .

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