Oxygen therapy using Cellfoodplus

Blood carries oxygen to the cells throughout your body to keep them healthy. Hypoxemia can cause mild problems such as headaches and shortness of breath. In severe cases, it can interfere with heart and brain function.Since the body is in charge of regulating the Cellfood reaction, Cellfood gives up all the nascent oxygen needed, but only exactly when, where, and as needed. It is postulated that very sick (toxic) people will get lots of oxygen from the Cellfood, but a well-oxygenated, inner-clean person will get only the little amount needed. Life knows what to do to sustain itself, and your DNA has the perfect blueprint for your health. All you have to do is supply your body the pure and correctly balanced raw materials, and it is amazing what it will do for itself.Cellfood acts in a time-release fashion, slowly reaching peak activity 6 to 12 hours after ingestion, and since it is ingested three times during the day, a strong, slow, cascading effect time releases the oxygen continuously.

         Before Cellfood                                                                After cell food

Darkfield Microscopy illustrates how our Red blood cells react after taking Cellfood Plus.

CELLFOODPLUS the only safe, self-administered oxygen therapy treatment not requiring a medical prescription, that provides bioavailable oxygen at the cellular level. This advanced technology is the answer to oxygen deficiency.It actually causes oxygen to be released over and over - for days - into the body from the water that is already there! This action is much like the body's naturally occurring immune system creating hydrogen peroxide, H202, and then naturally breaking it down, as needed, into water and releasing oxygen to destroy harmful toxins and microbial invaders.#cellfoodplus #EandFEssentials #oxygentherapy #naturalhealingremedies #drbenpatrick.  

Now with Selenium that helps our  thyroid and endocrine system function better with just the right balance .The thyroid gland is extremely volatile and sensitive and it's vital health is important to many processes in our body that involve how we manage metabolism and hormonal regulation.Selenium is also important to our heart and vascular health.It protects us from the harmful effects of arteriosclerosis.Its hard to keep a tab on selenium  foods daily in the right proportion .The body needs a constant source of nascent hydrogen, major minerals, trace minerals, enzymes and amino acids to repair itself. Our present food sources are woefully inadequate at delivering them.So Cellfood Plus gives you the right balance of these.

Some important trace mineral benefits:
  • Chromium is that helps insulin regulate glucose (blood sugar) levels and can be found in liver, whole grains, nuts, and cheeses.
  • Copper aids in the formation of bone and cartilage and helps the body use iron properly. Copper can be found in beef, organ meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and beans.
  • Fluoride aids in the formation of bones and teeth and helps prevent tooth decay. It can be found in fish, some teas, and water that is either naturally fluoridated or has added fluoride.
  • Iron is critical for the manufacture of blood and crucial in pregnancy and early childhood. Iron can be found in meat, poultry, enriched breads and cereals, whole grains, nuts, and beans.
  • Manganese is an enzyme that can be found in many foods, particularly plants.
  • Molybdenum iodine is found in hormones that help regulate metabolism, growth, and development and can be found in foods that are grown in iodine rich soil. Most people now get iodine from iodized salt since iodine deficiency is a leading worldwide cause of impaired cognitive development in children.
  • Selenium is an antioxidant found in grains, meat, and seafood. Antioxidants are molecules that can help protect against cell damage.
  • Zinc is found in many enzymes in the human body that help make protein and genetic material. Zinc also plays a role in fetal development, wound healing, the immune system, and adolescent development. It can be consumed through meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, and some grains.

Amino acids, often referred to as the building blocks of proteins, are compounds that play many critical roles in your body.
Amino acids, often referred to as the building blocks of proteins, are compounds that play many critical roles in your body.There are nine important essential amino acids that perform a number of important and varied jobs in your body:
  1. Phenylalanine: Phenylalanine is a precursor for the neurotransmitters tyrosine, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. It plays an integral role in the structure and function of proteins and enzymes and the production of other amino acids 
  2. Valine: Valine is one of three branched-chain amino acids, meaning it has a chain branching off to one side of its molecular structure. Valine helps stimulate muscle growth and regeneration and is involved in energy production 
  3. Threonine: Threonine is a principal part of structural proteins such as collagen and elastin, which are important components of the skin and connective tissue. It also plays a role in fat metabolism and immune function 
  4. Tryptophan: Though often associated with causing drowsiness, tryptophan has many other functions. It’s needed to maintain proper nitrogen balance and is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates your appetite, sleep and mood 
  5. Methionine: Methionine plays an important role in metabolism and detoxification. It’s also necessary for tissue growth and the absorption of zinc and selenium, minerals that are vital to your health 
  6. Leucine: Like valine, leucine is a branched-chain amino acid that is critical for protein synthesis and muscle repair. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, stimulates wound healing and produces growth hormones
  7. Isoleucine: The last of the three branched-chain amino acids, isoleucine is involved in muscle metabolism and is heavily concentrated in muscle tissue. It’s also important for immune function, hemoglobin production and energy regulation 
  8. Lysine: Lysine plays major roles in protein synthesis, hormone and enzyme production and the absorption of calcium. It’s also important for energy production, immune function and the production of collagen and elastin .
  9. Histidine: Histidine is used to produce histamine, a neurotransmitter that is vital to immune response, digestion, sexual function and sleep-wake cycles. It’s critical for maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective barrier that surrounds your nerve cells
Electrolytes are substances that have a natural positive or negative electrical charge when dissolved in water. They help your body regulate chemical reactions, maintain the balance between fluids inside and outside your cells, and more.

Cellfoodplus is the latest addition to supplement health that is easy to take because its a dilution solution that can be easily put into your drinking water or juice mix.

Cell Food formula has been around for more than 5o years already and has been constant in bringing quality assurance to users worldwide .With this Cellfood Plus formula and the additional trace mineral Selenium, would further enhance this fabulous products effectiveness in helping people cope with enviromental stressors that effect our body and help our body combat these with ease.

Dr.Benjamin Patrick (Bio.Hom)is the satellite campus chief for Bioresonance studies in Malaysia with W.M.U,Delaware USA .He  holds qualifications in the field of Bioresonance application for endocrinology and homeopathy.He is also a keynote speaker at educational institutions worldwide in the field of Bio-energetic medicine as well as a trainer and facilitator for the application of bioresonance science.He is the founder of Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance centre that provides consultation and therapy using the bioresonance method to harmonise cellular signalling problems that include encdocrine, metabolism, urogenital and neurological conditions.

Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance is a Biofeedback energetic centre that focuses on giving patients comprehensive examination and therapy  of their body's response to supplements and dietary food intake .We have a specialised biotechnology to study the interactions of specific bio-fields (vibrational energy coming from substances) to create a unique formula or therapy program utilising what is best for you extracting information from a vast digital library "Sensitiveaudit"to apply only what is needed at the right time in the right organs to bring about a harmonious symphony that balances the wellbeing of your body and mind.

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