Biomagnetic Resonance ~'The science behind the theory'

Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy (PERT) or Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT), or Bio-Resonance Therapy. 

"Cellular oscillation spells life. When the cells cease to vibrate, illness supervenes, then death. Now, these cells may cease vibrating for various reasons, particularly due to marked and abrupt changes in the cosmic, telluric, and atmospheric waves."~ GEORGES LAKHOVSKY

All our tissues and organs emit electrical and electromagnetic signals that are unique to their type, and applying electrical currents of similar frequencies can influence their function. 

The initial response to injury, inflammation and infection in our body will cause affected tissues to generate electrical signals that cause the chemicals, hormones, enzymes in our body to initiate the repair and defence mechanisms, including attracting the right cells to the site.Whenever there is a problem in the cell, the first abnormality that happens is at the energy level. If this persists, then biochemical imbalances or aberrations result, causing a shift in the cellular homeostasis (the delicately maintained healthy state of the cell and its environment). 


If the cellular repair mechanisms cannot rectify the problem, then a cascade of metabolic functions will be affected, resulting in progressive cellular damage and dysfunction.


What is Bioresonance ?

We can enhance the body’s health and healing processes by ensuring that the inherent subtle electric currents and magnetic fields are maintained at optimal levels. To apply these electric currents externally require contact with the body. A novel way of inducing these subtle currents is to generate an electromagnetic field (EMF) over the desired body part, or even the whole body, using selected frequencies known to be beneficial to the targeted tissues and organs.The earth’s magnetic field vibrates within this healthy range (0-30 Hz).It has been researched that all our tissues benefit from the EMFs of these frequencies. All life forms vibrate at around 10 Hz, and our different tissues respond well to frequencies of between one to 23 Hz.These health-enhancing extremely low-frequency (30 Hz or less) EMFs are not harmful to the body.Bioresonance is a science that explains the interactions of our body's energy fields with natural elements and how to amplify , tune and correct these fields as a therapy that our body can best benefit from.

How to understand Resonance science through the Illustration of a tinning fork ?

A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator in the form of a two-pronged fork with the prongs (tines) formed from a U-shaped bar of elastic metal (usually steel).Every time you strike a tuning fork, you’re setting off a tiny, invisible hurricane. Thrashing back and forth at tremendous speeds, the two prongs of the fork, known as “tines,” are smashing against nearby air molecules, kicking off a chain of impacts that echo through the air. When these violent, microscopic collisions hit your eardrum, your brain processes them as a gentle hum.Just like tuning an instrument we are now able to better understand how the cells in our body work to tune them with newfound bioresonance technology device.Tuning forks can assist the immune system and help stimulate the body to heal it self. Because our bodies are made up of water and water conducts sound, the body is an awesome resonator for sound. Sound resonates four times faster in water.Traditionaly different tuning forks were used in treatment  by therapist on different dermal visceral zones  and or acupressure points of the body to bring about the desired outcome of harmonising the body .Todate with the Sensitiveaudit a Russian technology advance system we are able to quantify these results through a fast processor that was designed to receive and correct behaviour in a fraction of a minute automatedly. Technology is fast evolving with the times to bring about better application fo the sciences in a more reliable and consistent results.

Using the right Resonance tuning can help harmonize your brain and mind and enhance its full potential with the right application of Bioresonance technology. Today we have new biotechnologies that can do this more accurately and specifically target only the affected areas of concern. The SensitiveAudit for instance has become one of the world's best etalon reading devices that is both consistent in its biofeedback and impedance applications. The features it has been regulated and tested by the FDA and has superseded its quality and capacity to be one of the best quantum resonance computerized systems in the world. Chadasha Lifecare BRT center uses a practical protocol of programs under the supervision of Dr.Benjamin Patrick (PhD.Bioresonance) using a compbination of light spectrum and ultrasonic wave oscillations to correct , harmonize and balance the energetic grid(dermal visceral sections) of the body.

Our Human brain is a complex organ that operates well under specific  different brain waves:

Delta: 1-4 Hz. Delta is the lowest frequency state, and it’s linked to:
  • Deep sleep
  • Healing and pain relief
  • Meditation
  • Anti-aging: cortisol reduction/DHEA increase
  • Access to the unconscious mind‌

Theta: 4-8 Hz. Theta binaural beats benefits include:
  • Meditation
  • Deep relaxation
  • Creativity

Alpha: 8-14 Hz. When you are in an alpha state of mind, your brain is focused and productive. Alpha                         brain waves help you to:
  • Relax and focus
  • Reduce Stress
  • Maintain positive thinking
  • Increase your learning capabilities
  • Easily engage in activities and the environment because you are in a state of flow

Beta: 14-30 Hz. Beta is a higher frequency brainwave and helps in:
  • Keeping your attention focused
  • Analytical thinking and solving problems
  • Stimulating energy and action
  • High-level cognition

Gamma: 30-100 Hz. With a higher frequency than beta, these brain waves help in:
  • Increased cognitive enhancement
  • Attention to detail, helping in memory recall
  • A different way of thinking, which is a sign of creativity

Why haven't I heard much about this type of science?

In 1977, Dr Franz Morell, Erich Rasche and Dr Ludger Mersmann developed a filter to separate ‘unhealthy’ and ‘healthy’ electromagnetic signals coming from the body.The first devices were made and further development of the systems have continued over the years to improve the application of the treatment .Scientific knowledge about electromagnetism and its impact on health has not been fully explored and exploited. Much of the research in this field were done in Russia and Germany and only have recent been published in English.Unknown to the West, the Russians were way ahead in this field of research and application. The Russians conducted extensive studies on over 25,000 people and established an accurate system of analysing and re-enforcing the electrical health condition of the organs, and their connection to specific areas on the skin (dermal-visceral zones).The Russian space programme uses this technology because it enables convenient and non-invasive monitoring and enhancing of the health of their cosmonauts. 


    How does this therapy technology work?

The  device uses frequency patterns taken either from the body in the original biofeedback mode or from substances that are stressing the body.

When from the body, it  uses applicators making skin contact or from magnetic applicators to collect information from deeper inside the body or from on top of light clothing.

The device separates these waves into harmonious ‘healthy’ and disharmonious ‘unhealthy’components. The healthy waves can be boosted and sent back to the body to strengthen normal functions, while the unhealthy waves are ‘inverted’ or turned upside down by an electronic mirror circuit before returning them to reduce their negative effect on the body. The ‘inverted’ wave cancels the harmful wave that was stressing the body’s energetic system.

Where can I get the best of this type of treatment in Malaysia ? 
At Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance Centre we combine the best of these Bioresonance application methods to develop a customised therapy plan  that is suited to your specific needs.We combine the best of these technologies from Russia and Germany to create a conducive sequence of energetic healing programs that are catered to help the body heal smarter.WMU Delaware, USA has awarded Chadasha Lifecare to be an off campus satellite training centre to further on the progress of research of this science of Bioresonance here in Malaysia.

Chadasha Lifecare 
No.6A,Jalan SS3/35 Taman University,47300 Petaling Jaya,Selangor,Malaysia.

Welcome To Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance Centre. Chadasha means new beginning in Sanskrit. We would like to give each person a chance at better and affordable energetic healthcare that helps improve processes of the body even to a cellular level using science and technology of the future. We have created a homely environment that is exclusive for everyone who visits with the promise of attention to detail and personalised energetic plan bioresonance healing sequence that is carefully calculated through a biofeedback process.

The careful selection of naturopathies and a dietary plan will be outlined to ensure you make the best choices in your daily diet while educating and informing you about what you body needs is carried out by experienced clinicians.The lifestream software is continuously updated to ensure improved quality and appropriated information is given on each visit you make to our centre.We do hope that you would have a pleasant experience with us. Looking forward to see you soon.

Yours sincerely ,
Ben Patrick (Phd,Hom. BioField)
and the Chadasha Team of clinicians wish you the best of health

#Sensitiveaudit #sensitiveimago #Biomagneticresonance #ultrasonictech #scalarlounge 

Chadasha Slogan - 'Helping you heal the smarter way'

Chadasha Lifecare Sdn Bhd
Address: 1st Floor ,No.6A Taman University,47300 Petaling Jaya ,Selangor ,Malaysia 
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Helpline Contact & Scheduling: +60102075978 

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