Aromatherapy is able to stimulate the olfactory and the limbic system through frequency imprinting.

The limbic system plays a powerful role in creating different emotions and feelings. In fact, some even call it “the emotional switchboard of the brain.

Ever wonder why certain smells conjure up memories and even physical feelings so vividly? 

The limbic system gathers information from the environment through sensory information. Your senses can alter your emotional state rapidly. For example, a pleasurable meal can make you feel comforted, and very loud noises can make you feel afraid.

Our sense of smell is unique compared to our other senses such as taste, sight and hearing because it bypasses parts of the brain that other types of sensory information often cannot. Because of this, smells can often cause immediate and strong emotional reactions based on memories. Smells can bring us back to past events within milliseconds, making us feel a certain way based on past events, whether we realize why we’re suddenly feeling that way or not.

Essential oils, for example, can have dramatic effects on limbic function and how you feel. This is true because the strong fragrances they hold, which are found inside volatile molecules that can make their way into your bloodstream, travel directly through the blood/brain barrier very quickly.
As you’ll recall, the hippocampus is involved in olfaction sense of smell. 

How do essentialoils exactly do this ? 

Research shows that the olfactory bulb projects information into the ventral part of the hippocampus, and the hippocampus sends axons to the main olfactory bulb, including the anterior olfactory nucleus and the primary olfactory cortex. This is how memories and smells become tied together.Aromatic molecules contained within essential oils interact with sensors in your nasal cavity, lungs, pores and more. 

Once engaged, these sensors emit strong emotional signals based on smells starting from your limbic system hippocampus and spreading throughout the rest of your body to places like your heart and digestive tract.Because essential oils can impact memory, balance hormone levels and overall support healthy limbic system functions, much new scientific evidence shows that inhaling essential oils may be one of the fastest ways to create physiological or psychological benefits. These include decreasing sadness, anxiety, anger or even fatigue.

#eandfessensials #bioresonance #essentialoils #naturalhealing #frequencyimprinting #sensitiveaudit

Dr.Benjamin Patrick (PhD)Homeopathy & Bioresonance 

Founder and CEO of Chadasha Lifecare (Bioresonance) 

Alfamed Russia Consultant,trainer and distributor in Malaysia 

Consultant for E& F Essentials.

Bioresonance Research Facilitator for Wilmington Metropolitan University,USA.

Dr.Benjamin Patrick specialises in the the study and application of the interaction of pulsating electromagnetic Field Resonance Therapy, and frequency imprinting interactions on the human body and endocrine system.He is currently also a consultant for  E&F Essentials.

     Test conducted through frequency imprinting is today performed by complex devices based on the inventions of Nikola Tesla. Alfamed Russia is at the forefront of developing such technologies further. The Sensitiv Imago machine comprises of  functional complexes with  sophisticated  integrated program called LifeStream.This Biotech Software  comprises of a   comprehensive database of digitalised frequency patterns from organic and natural substances which allows for the device to recognize- spectrographic data of the thousands of malicious entities - fungi, viruses, parasites. 

       A biofeedback test takes only several minutes and is completely non invasive and relaxing. Such devices make it possible to carry out research by therapist and clinicians and can be carried out at Chadasha Lifecare  @6A,Jalan SS 3/35,Taman University ,Petaling Jaya,Selangor,Malaysia.This specialised Bioresonance centre only allows visits by appointment basis or referral to ensure each patient is given personalised treatment and consultation.The facility provides dietary and nutritional advice, Physiotherapy as well as Bioresonance treatment program that is catered specially for each patient based on a biofeedback scan that is completed on the same visit.Please call 0102075978 for further details on how you can benefit from a session.

Dr Benjamin Patrick (PhD Hom.Bio)

Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance ~ Biotech that is convenient and effective.

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