Does copper Resonate with me? - “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla.

Does copper Resonate with me ?

Let's begin this journey to understand firstly that we discern everything around us through specific response senses .Our body's largest organ -our skin together with other sensory organs play an important role in discerning vibrations around us in the form of sight, smell,touch,taste and hearing.The healing properties occur when there is an enzymatic chemical reaction that positively occurs with the body’s own chemistry and the contact of copper with the body’s skin oils and acids. If you want the healing properties to occur with your own body, you must wear uncoated copper. The easiest and best way to wear copper is when it is in constant contact with the skin such as diffusing colloidal solution like i-defender gold.

Copper is known to support healing by keeping the channel pathways for healing open.Studies have revealed that copper has  also attribute to powers of communication, channeling, cleansing, purification, enhancing behavioural and emotional responses, self-esteem and freeing the mind of mental burdens.We have a special sensory system that communicates information from our surrounding to our brain that ultimately influences how we feel and think.The limbic system is a unique system of the body that helps our brain to associate smells with memories and emotional decisions that we make everyday.In some ways the Limbic system is a super system that translates vibrations into information that our brain needs to respond better to our surrounding consciously and subconsciously.

Vibrational Energy is all around us.We can harness the right frequencies to create the right balance. Frequencies from various substances, minerals and nutrients may assist us in harmonising the homeostasis of the body each through their distinctive resonance bio-fields and interactions in the chemical reactions and endocrine functions of the body, as well as in the neurodigestive and immune system.

Copper is a natural element that has a vibrational value of 923 Hz -(Copper Frequency)that is helpful for our body’s natural defence system.Nano sized copper particles can be used to target microbes as well and act as a jamming signal component for microbial single cell organisms while not harming our multicell complex human body system.Our body even recognises copper easily.The human brain comprises of over 100 billion neurones that need essential minerals like copper to operate well.

I-Defender Gold is a product of the future that combines the specific biofield imprinting in pure water that is needed to enhance the coloidial nano copper's ability to create a biofield shield of protection knocking out viruses in the air and on the surface of your furniture and floor.

How does copper interact with us ?

Copper  has been used for centuries to transport drinking water. Copper pipes or cups can release micro copper ions into water, which are necessary for the metabolism of our body to fight cold,fungus and infections.Copper works effectively against the most troublesome antibiotic-resistant bacteria including Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin- resistant enterococcus (VRE), as well as other common harmful bacteria.

"According to the Copper Development Association,NY. USA - " Copper alloys are also ideally suited where it is important to minimize bacterial levels on touch surfaces. Because of their inherent ability to kill 99.9% of bacteria* within two hours, more than 280 copper alloys have been granted public health registration by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This unprecedented registration recognizes copper’s inherent ability to continually kill bacteria between regular cleanings, and aids in reducing infection-causing bacteria on touch surfaces in hospitals, schools, offices and other public establishments."

Copper is not a stranger to our body .Copper is a micro nutrient already in certain foods that we eat .....

Some foods are especially rich in copper. These include most nuts (especially brazils and cashews), seeds (especially poppy and sunflower), chickpeas, liver and oysters. Natural foods such as cereals, meat and fish generally contain sufficient copper to provide up to 50% of the required copper intake in a balanced diet.We already know that copper is an essential micronutrient that has numerous health, wellness and beauty benefits, from improved appearance of skin, to treatment of wounds and skin conditions, and also aids in maintaining metabolic processes, and protects against bacterias,mold and fungus.Copper peptides help to improve the scalp and hair's health as a whole by improving the overall quality of the hair follicles. It restricts the production of Dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for severe hair loss.According to the World Health Organisation, there is a greater risk from copper deficiency than from copper toxicity, even in developed areas such as the US and Western Europe. Copper deficiency can lead to health problems such as anaemia, heart and circulation problems, bone abnormalities and complications in the functioning of the nervous and immune systems, the lungs, thyroid, pancreas and kidneys.Copper is needed for maintaining and growing life, be this for humans, animals or plants. In humans, it is key to the fetus during pregnancy, to healthy brain function throughout life, and to the repair of wounds and injuries.

A copper deficiency would mean consuming too little dietary copper—can lead to a range of serious diseases ranging from blood and blood vessel irregularities to abnormal bone formations and hypopigmentation of the skin.If soil contains insufficient levels of copper, it cannot sustain productive arable farming. The world’s two most important food crops—rice and wheat—will not thrive in copper-deficient soil, leading to losses in yield and lower-quality outputs.

Copper as an ingredient already in cosmetics and lotions

As we mentioned earlier, copper is important for numerous functions in our body as well as collagen production. Copper peptides — a form of copper that is easily absorbed into the skin — is commonly used in popular creams such as those from the French beauty giant L’Oreal.

The human body does not manufacture copper, so it needs to be obtained from food and water.Just to remind you that I-Defender Gold is NOT for consumption as its designed to hold just the right amount of nano sized copper in pure water that when diffused in a diffuser will bring about the right outcome in purifying an air ventilated room. This mention of copper being a micronutrient is to show you that our body aligns with copper accordingly .

Does Copper Resonate Energy ?

All matter consist of vibrational energy in the form of electromagnetic bio field that interacts with everything.Copper frequency is 923 HZ .This concept has been researched over the years and the science applied in therapy through the field of Bioresonance.Through recent discovery of bio-field reading softwares and devices we can now study the effects of natural micronutrients, essential minerals interact with our body.Copper is one of the most reliable materials available for creating a natural EMF shield. This is largely because copper can shield from both radio frequencies and magnetic waves.

Copper has been researched over the years on how its effects  resonate with our body  to stimulate certain neurotransmitters and the uptake of chemical messagers i.e. hormones throughout the body.The copper element is in the same periodic table group as silver and gold. Therefore, it is relatively inert against chemicals.Copper in its pure, unalloyed state is soft, provides high electrical and thermal conductivity and has excellent corrosion resistance.

Conductivity is the primary characteristic that distinguishes copper from other metals.Bioresonance Biofeedback machines today are able to read and identify vibrational signalling of interactions between cells and these metals.Not just as a thermal or electrical conductor it has its own  bio magnetic field that distinguishes its qualities to repel or eliminate pathogens.

Technology to study these interactions with different parts of the body are available today- Sensitiveaudit by Alfamed Russia.

Why Copper in Jewellery ?

In history copper was sometimes   worn on the body as jewellery it is potent in healing energy and a conductor of energy, copper comes with a wide array of bountiful benefits for the body, mind, and soul because of  a wide array of vibrational frequencies. Copper was believed to provide harmonic connections between the physical and spiritual realms. It is able to magnify energy transfers meaning that the wearer can soak up every ounce of healing when the metal is paired with healing minerals or crystals. Copper was thought to have a ton of physical healing energies to balance out the chakras (traditional belief of energetic wheels of the body)and keep blood circulation in flow.New research reveals, That the concept is not that far fetched.Copper does vibrate at a frequency energy  that helps different cell tissues and certain processes in our body. 

How does copper in water play a role  in resonance ?

By examining individual drops of water at an incredibly high magnification, scientists were able to physically see that each droplet of water has its own individual microscopic pattern, each distinguishable from the next and uniquely beautiful.Water is a liquid computer that holds the value of  memory and intelligence that it carries by itself.Changing the nature of this water by altering its frequency through a frequency imprinting  can create targeted therapy for various conditions .This is the role Resonance technology which we now use in solutions and dilutions especially with the new I-Defender Gold with Resonance technology.This product is a step ahead of other solutions as it focuses on the biophysical response of the body enhancing its response and adaptability to the environment.

I-Defender Gold  uses the  latest technology  that combines the  power of nano copper suspended in water with Resonance( imprinted frequencies) in the colloidal water solution.Resonance increases the potential of the product when diffused in the air to knock out viruses even before they come in contact by creating a invisible bio-electromagnetic field that acts like a protective shield.

Resonance bio-field protection using 21st century resonance water enhancement.

Nano copper is effective to kill single cell microbial germs while not harming complex cell organisms like humans and pets.

Interview with Steve Lebow CEO of E&F Essential

Colloidal copper has  recently been of large interest for its ability to protect against viruses like influenzas and Coronaviruses like the Covid -19 and its many variants. Copper alloys are also ideally suited where it is important to minimize bacterial levels on touch surfaces. Because of their inherent ability to kill 99.9% of bacteria within two hours, more than 280 copper alloys have been granted public health registration by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This unprecedented registration recognises copper’s inherent ability to continually kill bacteria between regular cleanings, and aids in reducing infection-causing bacteria on touch surfaces in hospitals, schools, offices and other public establishments.

To make colloidal copper solution, microscopic molecules of copper are suspended in purified water solution and used for various applications based on its dilution rate. Increased amounts Copper ions that bind with water may sometimes result in a bluish colour in the water which is a normal phenomenon. 

What is the best water to use ?

Reverse osmosis is a way of purifying water with the use of a filter  membrane. The particles in the water are left on the other side of the sheet, while the water travels through it. The main use is for purifying salt water, but it can also be used to purify other substances.Using this water would allow copper to breath easily minus the contaminants found in regular tap water.Tap water is filtered but contains trace amounts of impurities, minerals and sometimes water treatment additives from your local municipality.

Why do we find debris at the bottom of diffusers?

Using tap water to mix colloidal dilutions is not recommended only because copper races to binds to remove sediments pulling them down to the bottom of the apparatus this is also natural phenomenon.Just remember this I-Defender Gold solution is to diffuse in your room and NOT for drinking. 😊
The evaporation of the colloidal solution through the diffusers happens on the surface of the water and not the bottom of the diffuser where sediments sometimes build up as a result of oxidation of impurities in tap water. So this further explains why copper is so good as a purifying agent. Let us maximise the full potential of this marvellous solution by using R.O.(Reverse osmosis water) .Use only the best laboratory tested solutions(I-Defender Gold) .

Todate , with the help of recommended E &F  diffusers you can diffuse these nano copper particles in the atmosphere of your general surroundings creating an I-bubble through sprays or diffusers.This solution holds now the added ability  to create an electromagnetic bio-field that repels the viruses and microbial bugs from attacking your body .

E& F  Essentials  IDEFENDER  GOLD with Resonance Frequency

With todays breakthrough in nanopreparatory sciences we are now able to get premium colloidal copper solution that can be readily available through original approved diffusers that control the distribution rate of the solution for effective all day protection of your home ,office or public areas.Because copper is naturally anti-bacterial, copper is naturally self-sterilizing and do not require as much cleaning. In addition, studies have shown that copper can even help kill air-borne viruses.

By Dr.Benjamin Patrick ( Bioresonance & Homeopathy.)
Founder of Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance - Holistic biofeedback centre using biotechnology
Head of Faculty Bioresonance Satellite Campus WMU,Malaysia.
Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance services includes :
Biofeedback report and retuning of cells covering 16 parameters of the body 
Thermal FIR +Scalar wave therapy
Nutritional & Dietary plan
Wellness Coaching and consultation

#idefendergold #eandfessentials #copperbiofield #resonancetherapy

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