What rhythm are you beating too?


Vibrations refer to the oscillating and vibrating movement of atoms and particles caused by energy. Even solid objects like tables are actually made up of microscopic vibrating atoms that receive, store, and emit energy. Pretty neat, huh? Because of this, all humans and objects have an energy field that has its own vibrational frequency.Frequency, which is measured in hertz (Hz) units, is the rate at which vibrations and oscillations occur.Frequencies are used to determine and differentiate vibrational patterns.

The electromagnetic fields generated by power supply systems, telecommunications, appliances, computers and other technology produced by humans are extremely powerful and in some cases have been associated with increased incidence of cancer, heart disease, depression and other diseases. Exposure to strong electromagnetic fields in residential areas and in certain occupations has been documented as significantly increasing the incidence or risk of the listed diseases. Certain groups of people such as the elderly, children, women who are pregnant and the weak have been found to be more sensitive or susceptible to adverse effects from these fields than the rest of the population.For example, the frequency of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (what powers cell phones, tvs, radio etc) ranges from 30,000 Hz to 300 Billion Hz.

Humans have an optimal frequency–as does everything else in the universe–that occurs when each of the cells in our body vibrates at the frequency it was designed to.
Bruce Tainio, a famous researcher and developer of Tainio Technology, found that a healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz, and when your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when the disease starts.


The body and brain require earth’s frequency of 7.83hz for the mental and physical body to be healthy. Dr. Herbert Konig showed the connection between 7.83hz and our brain rhythm. It has been proven by scientific experiments that tuning into 7.83Hz, the planet's own magnetic frequency people experience benefits like enhanced learning/memory, body rejuvenation, balance, improved stress tolerance, anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, and grounding.EEG recordings of the natural electromagnetic fields in the environment coincide with the alpha brainwave. This is the brain wave rhythm of all mammals in the rested, balanced state.

What is Scalar wave?

Our biology is intrinsically in sync with nature, any unnatural form of energy which is not in line with our well-being and growth can harm this synchronicity. The body and brain require earth’s frequency of 7.83hz for the mental and physical body to be healthy. This is because the natural electromagnetic fields in the environment coincide with the alpha brainwaves which is the brain wave rhythm in a rested and balanced state. The  Scalar lounge room at Chadasha Lifecare is the most effective tool producing this environment within a treatment therapy space right after your 30 minute bioresonance program. Thermal Sauna is applied to assist in helping your skin detox and better your blood circulation .

Major Benefits of Scalar Waves Include:
  1. Eliminates and nullifies the effects of man-made frequencies in the human body (cellphones, computers, WiFi, microwaves, and other sources.)
  2. Increases the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range.
  3. Improves immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory studies.
  4. Cleanses the blood, improving triglyceride levels, as well as protein and fat particles floating in the blood.
  5. Improves cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell.
  6. Decreases the surface tension of substances such as food, water, and supplements, thus enhancing the body’s ability to assimilate and hydrate.
  7. Inhibits the uptake of noradrenaline to support better mood.
  8. Balances the hemispheres of the brain as measured by EEG tests.
  9. Improves focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies.
  10. Catalyzes heightened state of awareness and creativity.

Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance centre is equipped with a Scalar Lounge that is conducive for every patient that needs a place to recover and heal the moment they walk in to the centre.At Chadasha Lifecare Bioresonance Method we practice the applications of Biowave feedback and correction using original biotechnology devices coupled with years of experience in the field of Bio-energetic healing. Frequency imprinting and compensation technology allow for localisation of biowave healing on specific areas of the body.Several Wave patterns are used to create a holistic result we want to achieve with our patients.

Regular Process flow of a visit to Chadasha Lifecare centre:
  1. Consultation - A Bioresonance consultant explains to you about the process over the phone or in person 
  2. Biofeedback Diagnostics is carried out to identify root cause of energetic problems and course of action for therapy.Objectives and expectations are set with the patient.
  3. Frequency balancing and Tuning - Frequency compensation is a process of tuning the cells that are effected in a region and can take 30-40 minutes.
  4. Sequence of healing programs are determined by a qualified clinician based on the results from the biofeedback, calculated number of sessions coupled by dietary solutions from the identified deficiencies, sauna sessions and exercise routine from a physiotherapist. An LBA (live blood analysis and BMI scan is also available upon request.
  5. Follow up sessions are arranged based on your report from the biofeedback results to determine a course of therapy sessions suited for best recovery results.
  6. After you have completed a Bioresonance healing therapy course you will be enlisted in a follow up program to check and balance your body.This will be scheduled 60 days later from your last visit.

All our devices are EU certified and used as part of a University Regulated Research Program .Collecting data to continuously improve the application of bio magnetic resonance therapy on different physical conditions.

A private comfortable healing lounge that is air ventilated and hepafiltered cleanroom with healing energetic programs that are customised for you.

Emotional aura scan with therapy available too.

Call us when you are ready for a pitstop at our centre.All visits are by appointment basis to meet regulations of safety and health protocols for all patients.

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